Friday, August 31, 2012

Mitt Romney wasn't THAT bad (PLZ take me with a grain of salt, or many grains)

So, for the first time in my entire life - I watched an entire Republican GOP convention.  I don't even watch the Democratic conventions because well, I fucking hate politics of any kind.  All humans lie.  Especially when it's to get what they want.  I've never claimed a party - mostly because growing up, I always watched my Mom vote for the Democrats and my Dad voted Republican.  This allowed me to be open to either party because really, they are just there for the illusion of choice.  The thing people don't seem to understand very much is that it doesn't really matter who is the public face we like to call "President".  That word stopped meaning very much a long time ago, probably around the time of FDR.  Ever since then, they are just part of a huge big plan that is far beyond comprehension.  Even if you could comprehend the scale of how big, you wouldn't want to because it would drive you insane.

Regardless, in saying all this - I still, HATE all politicians.  But moving on.

Mitt Romney spent a majority of last night vomiting pro-America statements all over everyone and smiling while all the old people in his audience (dressed in American Flag sweatshirts and miscellaneous other "flare", we will call it) chanted U.S.A, U.S.A.  Fucking right, U.S.A.  Whoever helped him write his speech was pretty good, I'm definitely going to admit that.  He gave the American people what they are lacking right now, which is faith in this country.  You can look around on any given day and see that this country is almost at the worst point that it's ever been, I would even go as far as to call this the 2nd Great Depression.  Shit is fucked.  Like, on a royal level.  Let's not point any fingers because at the end of the day, I'm really not clear on whose fault anything actually is - just that collectively, the people who have been in charge of this country for the last 12 years have pretty much done nothing but keep us at war, keep people dying and keep Americans poor and jobless.  I will NOT get into Bush and 9/11.  I will NOT get into the fact that Obama really hasn't been all that great - because people don't want to hear the truth.  Which is the exact reason why politicians lie..  Go figure.

The main thing that people should pay attention to is that although Obama has done an okay job with the pile of shit that he was left by Mr. George DUBBAYA Bush - he isn't running this country like a true American.  And rightfully so because, there is a really good chance that he really isn't American.  Slight potential slip in the system there.  I agree with him on making things more fair for people but I don't agree with the way he intends on doing it.  Especially because if he is re-elected this term, his decisions will heavily affect my workplace, the people I work for, the people I work with and the businesses that we represent.  Want to know why?  Because Obamacare is going to FUCK, SHIT, UP.  I have to talk to people on the phone every single day that are so afraid to sell their healthcare business right now because they know they won't get what it's worth because if Obamacare goes through, it changes absolutely everything about the industry.  I also talk to people who want to sell their business ASAP so that IF Obamacare gets passed, they won't have to deal with the repercussions of it.  And yeah, I know what people want to say "ohhhh you don't want healthcare for all?"  Of course I do. But I don't want Obamacare.  Sorry.

I also feel the same way I did in 2004 when Bush was reelected.  He didn't deserve a 2nd chance and I honestly don't think Obama does either.  He wasn't given much to work with but he hasn't done that much either.  (Other than STATING that he is OK with gay marriage but NOT really advocating for it on a federal level. Other than being Pro-Choice, which is a generally a STATE issue, not federal so somewhat irrelevant).  He also leaked classified information on the Navy Seals that "killed" Bin Laden, which was a huge national security breach and put those families in danger just because he wanted to have his cake and eat it too.  I'm not saying I'm voting for Romney.  Fuck, I am NOT going to vote at all.  Which pretty much makes this whole thing pointless because people are like "you shouldn't complain if you don't vote" and all that P.Diddy "Rock the Vote" shit but sorry, my 1st amendment is still in place (FOR NOW) so I'll say whatever the fuck I want.  About whatever the fuck I want.

It's like that episode of South Park where Obama and McCain work together to get Obama into office just so that they can rob the vault via the tunnel under the White House.  It doesn't matter who wins this election - they just want you to think that you have a choice.  What do you think happened to all those votes in Florida during the Gore/Bush election?  That was "them".  That was "them" wanting Bush to win over Gore. There are over 22 algorithmic equations regarding who is going to win this election.  The mathematicians that preform them have been correct in the last, well, every election.  Want to know who they predicted to win this one?  Romney.  Want to know why?  Because the American people are finally, FINALLY, *FUCKING FINALLY* pissed off enough at this country and the state of things that they want CHANGE. Actual CHANGE not like, HOPE and shit.  And unfortunately for Obama, CHANGE now means him... you know, not being in office.

There are many many things that I do not agree with Romney about.  However, there are many many many things that Obama has done that were not in the best interest of the American people. But he's done a very good job being a Kardashian and making people think he has their interest in mind.  His whole existence is a Hollywood reality show. Appearance, appearance, appearance. 

If it was up to me, neither one of them would be president.  I would try to summon the dead ghost of Kennedy before I would ever vote for either of these assholes BUT, I do think that people are focusing on the wrong things, again.  And again, everyone is believing people that are trained to LIE to you. 

All I know is that at this point, I would rather have a successful business man running our country than an attorney.  Even though NEITHER of them have any military experience, which is a bit of a concern but I can overlook that.  And NOT to say that Romney should be that businessman running the country but at least he knows how to balance a fucking budget.   And create jobs.  How many corporations has Obama started, funded and followed into success? NONE.  How many jobs did he create for Americans over the last 4 years? -23 million. 

And what I have to say is that no matter who wins, I'm preparing for shit to get way worse than it is now, so that I can be surprised if someone fixes the mess that we are in.  That's the only way to live life.  Aim low so that you don't get disappointed.  OR, aim high and be ready to constantly, mostly likely, in most cases, get disappointed.


P.S. Again, I do not like Romney, nor am I voting for him.  But Obama is not the President we need.  And I'm really sorry if you think so.  The President we need is not even running for office this election and probably never will.  We need a human, not a puppet/robot/piece of shit.

Hate on me all you want.  

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