Wednesday, November 28, 2012


I'm sitting here in the bathroom, darkness all around me.
I saw a silverfish earlier, before I sat down here, before I made my nest.
Hello Kitty blanket, MacBook, bong.
I almost killed it, it's little alien-like body, but I didn't.
I watched it scurry into it's safe little corner, behind my shampoo bottle.
I didn't have the heart to harm it.  They creep me out but I've never killed one.
I only watch them run frantically to their home, inside the pipes, inside the drains.
What a dark life they must lead.  Maybe they like it, maybe they are just like me.

When I drink and write, I think of two people.
Bukowski, my man, my love, the most real person to walk this planet.
No lies, no shame, no regrets, just truth and passion and grime.
Hemingway, my ship, my voyage, the most honest man to live and breathe life into words.
No lies, no shame, no regrets, just truth and passion and grime.
These are the men that I have looked up to, that I have molded my small, female existence after.

There is nothing that I love more in this life than human emotion.
As humans, we are the most silly but amazing creation and our emotions purely reflect this notion.
Look at the myriad of emotions we experience, even in one moment, one minute, one day, one week.
Look at the choices we make and the feelings we feel and act on, speak on, walk on, think on.
We can be the stupidest, the smartest, the most creative, the most talented, the possibilities are endless.
We are endless.  Not our existence but our words, our thoughts, our inventions.
To think, we are just made up of particles, of atoms - and yet we breathe this air, our blood circulates.
We are a nervous system, a veiny mess of arteries and muscle and marrow.
We are so complicated, which is the most beautiful part.  No each is the same.
No each should wish to be the same.  Snowflakes, each and every one.

We cry, we laugh, we hate, we love, we punch, we hug, we kill, we maim.
We choke, we cough, we sneeze, we lie, we tell the most incredible stories.
The most amazing thing is reality, our experiences.
The most amazing thing is fantasy, our dreams, our projections.
The most amazing thing is truth, no matter how harsh or soft.
The most amazing thing is to just be.
To learn.
To love.
To write.

My only passion. Bringing the everything and nothing, to life.

"An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way.  An artist says a hard thing in a simple way."

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